At the April 16, 2024, meeting, City Council unanimously approved an ordinance regulating the use of electric bikes (e-bikes) and scooters on City streets and sidewalks. The ordinance classifies e-bikes and scooters based on motor type and speed for their safe operation in public spaces. The goal of this measure is to ensure the compatibility of the use of e-bikes with other passive recreational...

February 7, 2025 -- Beginning the week of February 10, the northbound lane of Bunker Hill Rd. will be closed between Forest Glen St. and Eaton Ct. as the sanitary sewer line continues to be replaced. All traffic will continue to be reduced to the southbound lane. The project is currently 60% complete. Construction crew flaggers and traffic control devices will be in place to direct...

As part of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Project, the City will begin replacing meters that are at or beyond their warranty service life and install a new meter. As water meters age, they tend to slow down and provide less accurate readings due to wear and tear. The new meters ensure that residents receive accurate and reliable measurements of water consumption. The AMI project...

  In 2021, City Council approved the construction of a new Public Works and Disaster Operations Building. This new facility will not only house Public Works personnel but also act as the City’s Emergency Operations Center during major emergency situations. The new facility is scheduled to be operational Fall 2023. What is BHV Inc.? The City has established a non-profit corporation (BHV...

The City of Bunker Hill Village invites residents to volunteer on a City Committee. This Committee system is intended to provide an avenue for direct input from those who live here, and give the City an opportunity to benefit from the considerable expertise represented by...
