City Council Meetings

The City Council holds its regular meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 5:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted. The agendas are posted on the website 72 hours prior to the meetings. Minutes of the meetings are posted on the website after approval by the City Council.

Elected Officials

  • Mayor Robert P. Lord
  • Mayor Pro-Tem Susan Schwartz, Position 2
  • Eric Thode, Position 1
  • Carl Moerer, Position 3
  • Keith Brown, Position 4
  • Andrew Poor, Position 5


Form of Government

The City of Bunker Hill Village is considered a Type A General Law City and is governed by a Mayor and five Council Members elected at large. A Type A General Law City is one that had at the time of its incorporation 600 or more inhabitants. General Law Cities have a population less than 5,000 and are authorized to do only what the State Constitution or Legislature has authorized.

General Election Information

The City of Bunker Hill Village holds its election for the Mayor and City Council on the first Saturday in May of each year. The election for Positions 1, 2, and 3 are held in even numbered years, while the election for Mayor and Positions 4 and 5 are held in odd numbered years.

Qualifications for Mayor and City Council Members

In General Law Municipalities, the qualifications for the Office of Mayor and City Council Members are: 

  • Be a United States citizen
  • Have been a resident of Texas for at least 12 months, as of the deadline for filing for the office
  • Have resided in the City for at least 6 months preceding election day
  • Have a current voter registration certificate
  • Be 18 years of age or older upon the commencement of the term to be filled at the election
  • Not have been convicted of a felony for which he or she has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities
  • Not have been deemed mentally incompetent by a final judgement of a court