The City Council holds its regular meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 5:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted. The agendas are posted on the website 72 hours prior to the meetings. Minutes of the meetings are posted on the website after approval by the City Council.
Telephone: 713-467-9762
Municipal Court: 713-827-1772
Fax Number: 713-827-8752
Trash & Recycling: 281-342-8178
11977 Memorial DriveHouston, TX 77024713-467-9762
Monday thru Thursday7:00 am to 4:30 pmFridays7:00 am to 12:00 pm
Memorial Villages Police Department713-365-3700
Village Fire Department713-468-7941
Center Point Energy Customer Service713-207-7777
Spring Branch ISD Tax Office713-251-7960
Harris County Annex (License Tags, Voters Registration)713-224-1919
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